Founder & CEO Dustin Finkel shares the top 5 things
he’s learned since becoming a dad
1. Silliness required. As a former investment banker and now entrepreneur, letting go of the predictable can be daunting. Both of my boys have a genuine perspective and active imagination. I believe that time flies by as we get older because we don’t see the world with the same awe and wonderment of a child. I treasure those moments with my kids where I get to enter their “reality.”
2. They are watching. The amazing thing about watching your kids grow is seeing a better version of you growing right before your eyes. They are so eager to learn, but they also can pick up our bad habits. I've learned so much about myself (good, AND bad) from watching my kids. While cliché, it constantly makes me want to be a better person. Be careful, they are [always] watching. ;)
3. You can’t fix everything. OK, so I like to think I can. But there are times when I can’t, like when Lightning, my son’s fish, bellied-up during the night. I couldn’t bring Lightening back to life, but I could listen to his feelings and provide comfort. We went out, had a burial, and sat for a while together. You can still be the superhero even if you can’t fix the problem at hand.
4. Truly unconditional love. I find great happiness and comfort in knowing my kids represent something so much bigger than me. As a man who often solidified my ‘identity’ through my work or physical endeavors, I have found something so powerful in caring for my children. Knowing that I would do anything for someone else has opened up a level of vulnerability I never thought possible.
5. Share your passions. While COVID has devastated so many, one upside is that it has significantly increased my time at home. I love the time I get to spend with my family. I get the boys involved as much as possible. From helping fill boxes for our re-airing on Shark Tank, to explaining how Ka-Pop! is made. I also get to workout at home a lot, and my kids love to join. Marek, my oldest, has now hung on the pullup bar for over 2:30 minutes! Sharing my passions allows them to see a different side of me, and who knows, someday one of them may just be the next Top Ka-Pop!.
Dustin, first off, Happy Fathers Day!!
Second, I saw that Kapops are on QVC. Your product is fabulous! Thanks again for creating an extremely superior gluten free product. So happy to see QVC GOT SMART! As an entrepreneur myself with a very unique horse cookie, I too understand what it is like trying to bring a great brand to market.
I recommend your product to everyone!!!
Congrats getting this great product on QVC!
Have a fabulous Fathers Day! I know I still miss my Dad…
Owner of A to Z Horse Cookies
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